Imperial Pool Builders offer tips to keep pests from your swimming pool

When you’re in the swimming pool, the last thing you want to think about is creepy, crawly, biting bugs, right? The swimming pool contractors from Imperial Pool Builders understand that and also know that with a few steps you can keep pests from “bugging” you and your family while you’re enjoying the swimming pool, the hot tub or just relaxing in your outdoor living space.

How can you guard yourself against insects? Here are some tips:

  • Keep weeds and grass in check. If you keep the grass mowed and cut down any weeds from around the swimming pool you can eliminate a source of where bugs will congregate.
  • Keep a watchful eye on the trees and foliage that grows next to your swimming pool. Flowering trees will lure bees. Trees with fruits will draw birds and bees. If you have a tree that will be shedding leaves in the pool with the change of the seasons you will have to skim and clean it more often. Also, if you’re planting trees you need to be aware that if the roots grow toward your swimming pool it could eventually damage the structure and the plumbing. swimming pool pests
  • Plant herbs that repel pets such as oregano, mint, fennel or basil — great for humans to smell, but not so attractive to bugs.
  • If you have “bad bugs” such as aphids, you can bring in “good bugs” like ladybugs to clear them away. Ask your home and garden center for advice on how to tackle insects without harmful sprays.
  • Did you know that salt and flour can be used to deter and even eliminate garden pests? Both can be deterrents for slugs and snails, but are not toxic for your pets.

You will definitely want to landscape for both aesthetics, to act as a windbreak for your swimming pool and as privacy “fence” but you will want to landscape with care. Talk with us when you’re planning for your new swimming pool project and work on the outdoor living space and landscaping as part of the entire project.


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