It’s a sad day for a swimming pool owner when they have to close the pool for the season, right? If you have scheduled your pool closing or have already had the swimming pool contractors from Imperial Pools, Inc. in Champaign, Illinois close the pool we do want to say, don’t neglect your pool this winter.

You certainly will have a much easier task caring for your closed up pool, but care for it you mus. We always tell our customers, that the very least they should take a walk into the backyard and check on the pool weekly.

Don’t neglect your pool this winter

What should you do for your pool in the winter?

  1. You may need to add a mid-winter algaecide. Ask us if it’s necessary. It will certainly help keep algae from growing beneath the cover during the winter months. This can occur if there are a few warmer than usual days.
  2. If the pool hasn’t been closed, make sure you have that done before the first frost.
  3. Check overhead to make sure there are no branches that could get weighed down by snow and ice and fall in the pool and damage it. Trim them back.
  4. If there is a warm up and if there is snow or standing water on the pool cover, grab a shop vac and remove the standing water. Don’t lift off hunks of ice or shovel the cover.
  5. Speaking of the cover. Make sure it’s completely secure and that the weight of snow or winter winds hasn’t caused it to come loose.

If you have a hot tub, chances are you will be using it more now in the cooler months than you did in the summer. Keep it covered when you’re not in it. Turn the temp down when you’re not using it. Run the jets to keep the water circulating to prevent any freezing.

Call us if you have any questions or concerns this winter season.

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