Imperial Pool contractors answer the question, “do you need permits to build a pool?” The short answer is, yes, you do. Most municipalities monitor construction within their jurisdiction whether you’re adding a room onto your house or having a pool constructed and you will need to obtain permits.

Your pool project will also involve visits by municipal code and zoning enforcement officers to assure the project is of high quality, is safe and that the plumbing and electric meet code. Municipalities have varying levels of required paperwork and will have varying degrees of involvement during the project. Working with a swimming pool contractor from Imperial Pools assures you have an experienced business partner who will help you navigate the maze of building permits.

Do you need permits to build a pool?

Prior to breaking ground on your pool project, your contractor will research the laws about setbacks and construction as it relates to your property lines. If he has built other pools in your area or neighborhood, he will already have access to this information and that may help speed the process along as he will know what’s required and what is and is not allowed.

The rules in your area may determine how big your pool could be, how close it can be to the property lines and other considerations.

Sometimes the rules and regulations may seem intrusive, but the codes were put in place to assure that minimum construction requirements are adhered to and to enusre your safety during construction projects.

When you are talking with your pool contractor and the building and code enforcement officer don’t forget to ask about the pool deck and any out buildings you may want to eventually add to your pool project. Even if you’re not in the financial place to have a pool house right now, knowing what you can have in the future could prevent disappointment if you’re told you can’t have a pool house because you don’t have enough room.

If you’re thinking you want to become a swimming pool owner this year, give us a call and let’s get started!


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