If you’re not home and a rainstorm blows through, are there any special steps you need to take to care for your pool after it rains? The swimming pool contractors from Imperial Pools explain that, yes, depending on the size of the storm and the amount of rain it dumped, you will need to address pool maintenance issues once it’s all over.

When you’re home and hear a weather report that a storm is brewing you can take to protect your pool and save you work after the storm has passed. If you have adequate notice you can get your pool covered, “batten down the hatches” as it were by putting away or anchoring pool furniture or other items that could be blown into the water. It may make sense to unplug your pool equipment and cover it — depending on the intensity of the storm.

How to care for your pool after it rains

  • Clean it. You may work with a pool contractor on a regular basis, but depending on his schedule and the devastation the storm has wrought, he may be busy and you may have to wait before he can take care of your pool clean up. You will want to step up and clean the pool by removing any leaves, twigs and other debris. After everything is cleaned and you have the time, brush the pool walls and floor to remove any algae spores — don’t forget to clean behind the steps. Then vacuum it. Don’t forget to clean the filter once you’re done.
  • Test the water. Grab your pool water test kit and check the water chemical levels. If you didn’t have your pool cover in place rainfall can easily get the chemicals out of whack. It’s important that the pool chemical levels are maintained properly at all times to ensure the water is safe for swimming. Also, improperly balanced pool chemicals can lead to staining and equipment damage. Rain will cause the pH to drop and it will also make the water more acidic. If the rain has watered down the water, you will need to add more chlorine so it can do its job and keep the pool water clean and free of bacteria.

What should you do to prepare for a storm if you have sufficient notice?

  1. Remove or store pool furniture so it doesn’t blow into the pool
  2. Cover grills
  3. Store cushions from all patio furniture
  4. Move potted plants out of harm’s way
  5. Cover the swimming pool
  6. Store all pool toys, games and pool floating toys

Stay out of the pool when you know a storm is approaching and get out of the water if you hear thunder — because that is typically accompanied by lightning.


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